Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Swans and Pawns

On our recent trip, we saw these swans in a huge pond area.  I have only seen swans one other time here in California, so this was a complete surprise and wonderful treat.

You may wonder why I called the title "Swans and Pawns".  Well, I am not quite sure myself.  The swans part is easy, but, pawns?  Hmm, what was I thinking?  I think it has to do with what I was sharing with a friend today.  Our choices make a difference, and we are either going in the direction of our destinies, or, we are heading in a totally wrong direction, and become pawns in a war we are ignorant about.  When we get beat up, we don't understand what happened.  But God's Word says "We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, rulers, and spiritual forces of darkness."  When we choose to trust God, "He works all things to our good", and Praise Him "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say , rejoice."  Then we will see things more clearly.  When we murmur and complain, we are in dire circumstances, for that is what the children of Israel did in the desert and it displeased God.  It is one of the things He hates.  So, our choices make a difference.

So, a swan reminds us of royalty.  That is what God has called you to.  When you accept Christ as your Savior, you are adopted into God's family and become a prince or princess of the Kingdom of God.  You begin to walk into the destiny God called you to.  When you become a pawn, you lose the pathway to your calling.  You begin to open yourself up to the curses of this world, whatever they are.  You become blinded to what is really happening in the spiritual realm.

The truth is we are meant to live in heavenly places.  Supernatural is a God thing, not a spooky scary thing.  Think about it.  Adam and Eve were supposed to live eternally, but because of their choices, they lost that privilege.  Noah saw animals live in harmony on the ark.  Moses saw God part the Red Sea.  David slew giants.  People saw angels on a regular basis.  They were an expected sight.  Peter walked on water, Saul and Silas saw the jail doors open through praise.  We are asked to believe for the impossible, so why don't we?

So, my question to you is, "What will you choose?"  Swan or pawn?  I want to encourage you to think on what I have said.  To believe for better things in your life this year.  To "enlarge your tent", to "believe that God is for you, and not against you.".  You have a beautiful destiny.  You are important.  Your life has meaning.  God bless you with insight and "eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to understand.".

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