Friday, January 7, 2011

A Bit Frosted

The temperatures have been really cold this week.  Not only cold, but with heavy fog, which is very unusual for our part of California.  Yesterday the fog was on our hills, just before our town, and then all of a sudden, we were swamped in a foggy mist, and looked like we were on the moors of Scotland (or that is what I imagine that they'd look like).

Today, again the fog rolled in.  Well, because of that heavy fog, the cold has been very biting.  So frosty in the mornings, that I had to take a shot of this lovely rose, covered with the melting frost.

Sometimes I feel like that.  Like I am numb from the situations around me, that make me feel cold and alone.  But, suddenly, there is a warmth that breezes through, and I realize that God has been there all along, just waiting to warm me up with His wonderful Presence.  So, today (tonight, really), I would encourage you with this thought.  You are not alone, it just feels like it.  If you can hang on, sooner or later, you'll begin to feel God's Presence helping you to warm up to life again, and you'll be so blessed with what He does for you.

Sometimes, it is a beautiful flower, a gorgeous sunset, a sunrainbow (actually called sundogs, but I call them sunrainbows), uplifting music, a hug, a smile, or someone just calling or writing to say, "I love you."  Truly what can really lift you up, is having God highlight a verse of Scripture to your mind or heart, and you get to meditate on it all day long.  Get encouraged all day long, because it feeds your spirit and soul. So, I leave you with this verse, "Taste and see, that the Lord is good."  God bless you all.

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