Tuesday, February 15, 2011


How do we handle the disappointments that come our way in life?  Do we get angry and upset?  Do we shrug them off, and go on our way?  Do we yell and scream?  Do we feel like running down the road with our hands in the air, screaming how life is so unfair?  I have probably experienced each of these feelings when disappointment has come my way.  This makes me feel ashamed of myself, for not having more strength to hold on to hope.

How do we capture hope?  How do we begin to change those seasons of disappointment, so that we can begin to have lives based on hope and a future that will be better?  I know that when Corrie ten Boom and her sister were in the concentration camp, they held onto hope with the Word of God.  Corrie had been able to sneak a Bible in through God's covering her with His supernatural touch, so she was able to have her Bible to hold onto.   They shared this hope with others around them.  They praised God for the fleas and the lice, because it meant that the soldiers would not come into their quarters and find their Bible.  These were not ideal circumstances, but they encouraged one another, so that when one was feeling hopeless, the other would encourage them to hope, and vice versa.

I think that is why it is so important for us to keep ourselves in fellowship with one another.  We need hope to continue living in this world.  I know that the enemy of our souls tries so hard to get us into feeling hopeless, so that we will give up.  That is why people who get depressed want to die.  Nothing looks good.  Life seems so blah and neverending.  There is no joy.  There is no future.  It is all blah.  Nothing.  Hopeless.  Without light.  I am so thankful that the Word of God tells us that "even in darkness, He is there".  He is able to penetrate the darkest night and bring hope and healing.  He is able to shine His Light and dispel the darkness.

Many people don't know that at one time I was the most fearful and scared person there was.  I was afraid of my own shadow.  When God healed me of that darkness, I felt like heavy chains had fallen off my shoulders.  Now I laugh at scary things, not because they are no longer scary, but because I know how strong my Savior is.  He is not surprised by anything the enemy does, and He has defeated all the works of the enemy.  So, why should I fear or worry?  I serve the Living God.  He is able to take care of me.  He is able to give me hope and a future.  My youngest daughters favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, but plans to  give you hope and a future."  Wow.   His plans are to give us hope and a future.  So, why let disappointments rob us of the goal?  Let's not let them win.

Take that disappointment by the shoulder, turn it around, and start dancing on it.  Let your praise be the highest praise you can do.  Let your hearts be filled with the Word of God.  Find those Scripture verses to fill your mouth with.  Verses that talk of God's Power and Strength.  "Nothing is impossible with God. " That is one.  "For I can do all things through Christ Jesus, Who strengthens me".  That is another.  Find your own verses.  Verses that God uses to speak HOPE to you.  Verses that speak STRENGTH to you.  Verses that give you the power to rebuke the enemy, and go forward.  Believe what God says.  There are so many people out there saying "You can have what you believe for", but did you know that it is God Who tells us that, first?  He says it in His Word.  Only, if we truly know Him, we are going to want what He wants for us, not just what our flesh is going to want for us.

We can't know why the answer is sometimes "no", but what we can know, is that if God is saying "No", there is a reason, and our best choice, is to get in line with His direction, and find out what is "Yes".  In Christ, the answer is "Yes, and Amen".  Amen means, "So be it".  So, in Christ, it is Yes, and so be it.  When we are in line with God's plans, even if it looks impossible, the answer is "Yes, and so be it" and it will happen.  We can trust a mighty God to do a mighty work.  I believe He is waiting to do so many impossible things, and we haven't even touched the surface of what He longs to do on this earth.  I believe He wants to show us miracles and wonders.  Not for our sakes, but that His glory might be revealed.  That He would be seen as He is, The God of the universe.  The One True God.  The Almighty.

So, tonight, if disappointment has rocked your boat.  Let God show you where the "Yes, and Amen" is.  Let Him reveal to you, the wonders He wants to show you.  Let Him into your situation, and let His Light eliminate the darkness and show forth His wonderful glory.  My dear ones, be encouraged to open up your heart to more of God.  To more than ever before.  Don't look around you, look UP, for He is your redemption.  He paid the price, and His blood, His priceless blood, allows you freedom to go where you couldn't go before.  Read the Lord's Prayer.  The first part says, "Our Father, Who are in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.  Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, ON earth AS IT IS IN heaven."  In heaven, all of God's desires are fulfilled.  ALL.  So, if we believe what we are praying, we are praying for God's Will, His Divine and Perfect Will to BE ON earth.  To be what we experience every day.  I want that, don't you?  Pray that your disappointment will be gone, due to the hope of God's will overtaking that disappointment and making it get in line with HIS will for you.  His will for a hope and a future.  Not harm.  Not disappointment, but LIFE.  Hallelujah!  Life.  His Life within us, flowing out to be Living Water to all around us.  Not about us, but all about Him.  God bless you with His marvelous Light.

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