Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sweet Moments In Time

These are some of the flowers Isolino and I saw yesterday on our Murphys trip. I loved seeing these precious Narcissus flowers. They sure brighten up any day, with their white petals and yellow centers. They are a little piece of Sunshine, all in themselves.

How about us? Are we sweet moments of sunshine in someones life? Do we make life harder or better for those around us? Do we take out our anger and frustration on them? I really hate when I do that to someone else. It makes me feel bad all day long, and until I can ask that person for forgiveness, it makes me worry and fret about when I need to ask them, and then, when I ask, if they don't receive it well, than I wonder why I made the problem in the first place, by being in a rotten mood.

This morning I woke up with a wonderful song in my head. It was "How Great Thou Art" and it made my day. I went on utube to find if anyone had recorded it, and I found so many wonderful renditions of it, that it really blessed me.

I hope that as you listen to that clip with its wonderful pictures, that it will inspire you to trust God more, to believe more of His awesome power to help you overcome all that comes against you. How great our God is. He is mighty to save. He is mighty to deliver. He is mighty to battle.

This reminds me of a time when a friend and I got together for prayer. We were praying over some heavy things, and all of a sudden I got to laughing as I saw this picture in my head. I saw Jesus coming forth on a white horse with such an army around Him. Before I could see Him, it had all been black as black can be, with a heavy feeling of defeat. When He burst forth, I could see Him laughing on His horse. As He laughed, the enemy kept going backwards and backwards and soon they were scattering so fast it was hilarious to see them fleeing. The Lord spoke this verse to my heart, "The Lord scoffs at His enemies". I tell you, with that picture in my mind, it was really evident of how that could be. His laughter drove the enemy to flight. They could not stand in the midst of His joy. They were leaving the field of battle so fast, that it would be like seeing a hill of ants scurrying away from something that threatens them. God really can defeat those who come against you. Trust Him.

Sometimes our bad attitudes come from a hurt we are feeling. Please give that to the Lord. Let His love, peace, and joy come forth out of your heart instead of the bitter seed the enemy planted there. Let forgiveness flow. Let peace come forth. Last night I watched a truly phenomenal movie. It was about the Amish tragedy a few years ago, in which many young girls were killed by a hurting man. The Amish people gave forgiveness, because they knew bitterness would destroy them. They gave forgiveness because God asks all Christians to do that. At the end, one mother said something profound. She had struggled to forgive, but when she found out what her daughter did, before she was killed, she was able to overcome her bitterness and forgive too. That is what God calls us to. A more excellent way. Is it easy? No way. It is hard to forgive those who spitefully use us. That is why we need to cling to How great God is! He is able where we aren't.

I pray that God will give you songs in the night. I pray He'll give you new songs to sing. I pray that as you give your hurt, pain, and sadness to God, He will bless you with His Power in your life. I pray that His deliverance will come forth in such a mighty way, that you will be in awe of His Glory. I love you dear friends. Be blessed. God bless you richly in Christ Jesus, Who loves you with such a great love, He died to see you set free. He went to the cross with JOY. Imagine that! JOY. I told you His laughter was powerful! He defeated the enemy and gave us the keys to the kingdom, that is POWER! Hallelujah!


  1. Laura,
    You have such a beautiful way of expressing yourself. Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I love it when I wake up in the morning with a song in my heart. It seems to get your day off to a good start. May God bless you as you continue to share with others.

  2. Deborah,
    Sorry it took me so long to reply. Had a lot going on. Thank you for your comments. I agree, it is so wonderful to have Jesus put a song in your heart first thing in the morning. I pray blessings on you, and your wonderful ministry, too.
