Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Standing Strong

Today, I was struggling to stand strong.  You know, how sometimes life just gets in there, wearing you down, with all the demands on time, emotions, and getting the right amount of sleep.

I know that I need to get to bed earlier,  Isolino has been trying very hard to get me to get to bed sooner.  It is not that I don't want to, it is just that life gets in the way.  Each time it is something a bit different, but something always seems to get my time away from me.  I have even tried shutting the computer down sooner, but then it is something else that snags that time away from me.  I know some of you can relate to what I am talking about.  Well, I have been praying about this a lot, because my desire is to be a good helpmate to my husband, and I know it will please the Lord, if I am rested and able to do more, because my body isn't running on empty, as far as energy goes.

I marvel at women who seem to have all the energy in the world to accomplish what they need to do.  I wonder what makes me so different?  Then, I realize we are all different, and some have gifts in the area of organization and administration, and some have more eclectic gifts that make those things challenging.  We all have to accept ourselves where we are, and go from there.  Some have gotten their lives in a pattern, so things are done quicker, because the steps are all in place.  I have always wanted to be like that, but you know what happens in my life?  The patterns are always varied each day.  They are never the same.  I told my mom once, because she was saying that she was struggling with things not turning out how she had planned them, "welcome to my world".  I told her that "I have learned to just go with the flow, and forget the things I can't change or control.  Do what I can, and leave the rest in the dust."  I had to give all that to God.

Well, I have come to the realization, that is what I have to do about the sleep time, too.  I know the enemy is battling me, because as hard as I try to get into bed on time, it rarely happens.  That tells you this is an important battle.  Something is going on.  That is why I have been praying so much.  To understand and have wisdom on how to beat the enemy at this crucial fight.  I know that I stand on the Word of God.  God gives sleep to those He loves.  I hold on to that with both hands.  I know that I tell the enemy to get out of here.  I do that.  I know that I have to pray that the Holy Spirit will give me the wisdom and understanding I need.  I pray for everyone in the home to get into line with God's plan.  Mostly, I know that I have to keep that spiritual armor on each day, and that when I have done all that I can, to STAND.  To stand in the knowledge that it is God Who goes into battle for me.  I am just to access the weapons He's given me, and let Him deal with the enemy.  I rebuke the enemy, and he must flee from me, but first, I have to draw near to God.  If I keep my distance from God, I am not going to get the enemy to flee.  You see, he'll know that I have no power apart from Christ, so if I am not doing my part, to stay close, then the enemy can defeat me quickly.

So, I encourage you to put on that spiritual armor.  I will just quickly go over them right now, but on one of my blogs, I plan to spend a lot more time on going over them, and what they mean to us.  Here is what you need to put on.  Read Ephesians 6 for the whole passage.  The belt of Truth.  The breastplate of Righteousness.  The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace.  The Shield of Faith, with which we deflect the darts of the enemy.  The Helmet of Salvation.  The Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.  And, two more, praying in every way, for every one and all the saints, and then the Cloak of Zeal (this one is found in Isaiah).  I found a passage of Scripture where it indicated we needed to put this on daily.  I know since I have followed this rule it is much harder for the enemy to get to me, like he used to do.  I know this seems like a lot, but when you go to work, you have your work clothes, right?  Well, this is the same.  We are ambassadors for Christ, and these are our work clothes.  We put them on each day, right?  So, when you have done all that you can, then STAND.  I pray this for all of my family as well.  Each of them is a part of me.  I need them to be able to stand strong in Christ, too.

My brother and I went to Montana, when my mom broke her shoulder.  We had an older Tom Tom GPS that didn't know the changes in the road.  We ended up taking a few detours.  My brother shudders, when we ask him if he wants "TomTom", now.  But, we just did the best we could to find the right road, and we ended up finding some unique ways to go the right way, but we got to Montana safe and sound, and with a lot of laughter, because of "TomTom".  I am so grateful we had "TomTom" as it did make the journey easier, but be prepared for some strange directions, if you have an older "TomTom" that hasn't been upgraded, because roads do change with all the building and changing in cities and towns.  Our own town has a new bypass, and if you aren't prepared, you might end up somewhere you weren't expecting to, just because it might not be in an older gps.  I have to say, that we had our family in tears from all the laughter, as we shared how our travels went.  So, we can be afraid of the unknown, but we can't let it stop us from living our lives.  We have to be willing to go in different directions than we might have planned, just to get to where God is leading us to be.  I am on a journey to beat this getting to bed on time issue.  You might be on a different journey of discovery in how to win at something God has laid on YOUR heart.  I pray that this has encouraged you to be willing to step into the unknown, with a sense of adventure,, and the knowledge that no matter where you go, if you are going at God's direction, He will always be leading the way.  It may have curves, and unknown detours, but it will be  a wonderful adventure.  God bless your "spiritual travels".

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