Sunday, January 16, 2011

Can You See Through The Mist?

I was praying about what I should share tonight, and God gave me a picture of the day Isolino and I drove back from our Anniversary Trip.

We went through Hwy 4, from Lake Tahoe, and along the way we passed Mosquito Lake.  This is how it looked on that day.  The mist was only there for a short period of time, and then it was gone.  It looked really neat and a bit like a mystery story would.

The words I kept hearing, as I remembered this trip, and this moment in time, was "Can you see through the mists?"  I pondered those words.  What did they mean?  How did they apply to these encouraging words blogs?  How could that statement be encouraging?   God tells us in His Word that "now we look through a glass darkly, but then (on the day of His return), we will see clearly".  That is encouraging.  One day we will see more clearly.

I believe that we do go through life, with a bit of a mist surrounding us, and our not being able to see things as clearly as we'd like to.  That is where prayer and listening for God's Voice, come in.  He tells us to "stay in step with the Spirit."  That we will "hear a voice telling us to go to the left or go to the right.".  I love Proverbs 3:5 and 6, which says, "Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge God and He will direct your paths and make them straight."  That sure does help us to have more clarity through that mist that surrounds us, doesn't it?

Our Pastor gave a sermon today on angels, a continuation of 3 messages so far, on how we recognize and know God's angels, the devil's angels, and today, how angels help us and are with us, when we die.  How encouraging.  You will not die alone, if you know Jesus as your Saviour.  He sends angels to escort you to heaven.  The mist between this world and heaven are blown asunder, as these angels come and minister to the saints when they die.  These angels escort the saints quickly to heaven, which our pastor brought out, must be quite a distance from earth, so how nice to have a fast escort to take you there.  Now, not only is there one angel, but two, who come to bring you home.  Maybe even more, we don't know, but at least two.  This is one of the ways we will see clearly.  Those who die before Jesus' return get to see things sooner than we do.  How glorious.  The passage our pastor read was, "How precious in the sight of God is the death of His saints."  The death of saints is precious.  God doesn't want you to be alone, even in death.

So, if you think the future is a bit misty.  If you feel alone, and like your life is quickly passing you by.  If you are close to the end of your days and are in fear of what is on the other side.  I encourage you tonight, to trust God.  To lean on Him, and not on your knowledge.  Let Him guide you through the mist.  Let Him give you insight and help, by His Spirit telling you which way to go and what to do.  He loves to help us.  One of my most favorite passages of Scripture to quote is this:  "If God is for you, who can be against you."  You will probably hear me quote this often.  I say it to myself to remind myself that the battle is not mine, but God's.  He fights on my behalf.  He clears the mist away, so I can find the path.  He sends angels to minister to me, you, and every believer out there.  He even sends angels to help those who He is calling to Him, who don't even know Him yet.  He fights your battles too.  He helps you find the path too.

Our hearts should be filled with thanksgiving for all the ways He helps us.  David often quoted to himself, "O my soul, why are you so downcast within me?  Hope in God and praise His Name."  He knew that his soul was deceitful.  it would bring him down and surround him with the mist of depression.  He chose to use the cloak of thanksgiving to bring himself out of that mist.  He chose to hope in God.  To praise God.  To continue to remember the ways God had delivered the children of Israel from their enemies.  That is how we need to come out of the mist too.  We need to remember God's goodness to us.  The places He has delivered us or those around us.  To praise Him for being Who He Is.  The Lord God Almighty.  The Maker of heaven and earth.  The Alpha and Omega.  The Beginning and the End.  God, our God, the God of wonders and miracles, bless you wholely and completely.  May your steps be guided to your destiny and your future.  May you be encouraged with the wonder of a "Red Sea" parting before you.  May you be guided by a cloud by day and a fire by night.  May you hear God's sweet words to you, healing you, encouraging you, and bringing you to a place of firmness and stability.  I love you my dear friends.  Be encouraged.  You have the most powerful, wonderful Lord on your side.  Be encouraged.

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