Monday, March 14, 2011

Breastplate of Righteousness

     "And having put on the breastplate of (righteousness) integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God."  We put on the breastplate of righteousness next.  We put upon ourselves, Jesus.  He is our righteousness.  He is the One God sees when He looks at us.  We are covered by His Presence.
     Remember, in another blog how I told you that our righteousness is as filthy rags before God.  It is only the blood of Jesus that gives us righteousness.  All our good works and deeds are nothing, if they are not done in obedience to Jesus.  It is His blood that bought us our freedom and right standing with God.  Our righteousness.  Rejoice in the fact that we are called "the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus."
     As we put on that breastplate of righteousness, let us remember that it is the blood that Jesus shed on the cross, that won us that freedom.  His blood bought us power over ALL the works of the enemy, because Jesus triumphed over them, as He conquered the grave.  One drop of His precious blood, wins us the battles, as we stick close to Him.  We are surrounded and covered by His protection.  He covers us with His wings, and He surrounds us with His angels.
     When I was first married, I was in a bad accident.  I was trying to help a friend learn to drive, and we were on a gravel road.  She was going very fast, and I looked over and I told her that she should slow down.  I thought she'd take her foot off the gas, and let the car slow down normally.  Instead, she hit the brakes.  I knew we were in trouble the second she did that, and I breathed, "Jesus, help" and then I saw us going from one side to the next, and then we flipped.  After the dust settled, we all got out.  She had her young son in the back seat, and this was a convertable.  We had landed in the only ditch along the road, right in the middle, so we were all ok, except where I had gotten hurt, and a few cuts and bruises they had.  The miracle didn't stop there.  If my cut had been just an inch right or left, I'd have been dead.  You can't count how many miracles happened in this one accident.  God's protection was there big time.  I had put on my breastplate of righteousness, as I breathed, "Jesus, help".  That righteousness, covered us.  Jesus.  He is our righteousness.  He covered me and my friend and her son.  Hallelujah.
     There are times in your life, too, that I am sure Jesus covered you with that breastplate of righteousness.  Why not begin to put this on each and every day.  Put Jesus' righteousness on your heart.  Ask Him how He wants you to act and walk and work today and each day.
     I encourage you to think about this.  To let Jesus show you the path of righteousness.  Sometimes, we think we know it all.  We think in our own intelligence, but why not let God help us to look into our hearts for His understanding and wisdom.  That is what the breastplate covers, our hearts.  You see, the Bible tells us our hearts are wicked.  They want their own ways.  Each night, I put on my armor, and I also pray that" the eyes of my understanding would be opened."  I pray that "my eyes would see, my ears would hear, and that my heart would understand."  He is the only One who can help me to see, to hear, and to understand.  I know He has helped me in more ways than I can ever imagine.  Try it, and see if you don't have better eyes to see with, ears to hear with, and a more understanding heart.  Let your heart be surrounded by His righteousness and see what happens.
     Each piece of this armor is vital to our lives.  Each piece brings a part of Jesus' power, to help us in our battles with the enemy.  As we surrender to His authority in our lives, we will see a more peaceful, loving, forgiving and understanding life happening inside us.  We will be more stable and secure in our understanding of who we are in Christ.  I encourage you to rejoice and be glad.  God is definitely for you.  God bless you with His covering.  God bless you with His righteousness.  God bless you with a more powerful witness in your life, due to your letting Him change you from the inside out.  I know you will have people asking you, what has happened to you?  How do you have so much peace, joy, or love in your life?  It is due to Jesus covering you.  It is due to you surrendering to Him.  Love and prayers to you all, my dear ones.

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