Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

There are so many of us, that have been blessed with mothers we are so proud of, and who we love so very much.  Some of us are blessed to call our mothers our friends.  I am one who can say this is true.

My mom is an amazing woman.  She had eleven children, and even though she lost one of my sisters, she continued to raise the rest of her ten children with love, humor, and strength of character.  She mourned my sister Leslie's death, but was comforted with an image of Jesus taking Leslie to heaven.  She took that same faith that she had been given, and gave us a hope that is a strong foundation in most of our lives.

My mom took on many different jobs, wherever we moved.  She was a receptionist, secretary, office janitor, substitute teacher, and so much more.  She continued work, even now doing so much, that she can put me to shame with how much she does.  She has had many things happen in her life, and yet she has gone on with a joyful heart, and a strong belief in what God can and does do.

Her greatest treasures are her family.  She and my dad have been married for over 50 years, and are still very much in love.  They are the center of our large family, and we all fight about who will get them to live near by.  Those in Montana win for now.  They love, and are loved.  My mom has a huge and generous heart.  She gives one hundred percent, in whatever she does.

My mom is an artist, a cook, a musician, a chauffeur, a teacher, a helper, a worker, a singer, a mom, a wife, a grandma, a great grandma, and a woman who loves the Lord.  She uses whatever talent she has, to enhance and bring forth God's Truth to others.  She writes, and has written many  a letter to the editor of whatever newspaper is in her town at that time of her life.  She has written little tracts to put into trick or treat bags at Halloween, to bring forth God's Truth.

As you can see, I am proud of my mom, and proud to be not only her daughter, but her friend, and sister in Christ.  I pray that all of you, who didn't have a mother like mine, one you could be proud of and be blessed by, would remember that this day is still a day to remember that God said He'd be like a mother to you.  He will comfort you, bless you, and give you so much to be thankful for in your life.  Let Him take that pain, of a mother who wasn't all she should have been to you, and let Him heal that wound in your life, and bless you with a new appreciation of what He can do with that pain.  He will take it, and make you something greater than you could even imagine.

I ask God to bless all of you today, with the knowledge of how much He loves you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Laura;
    Thanks for the great Mother's Day Blog. I, too, am blessed to have a mom whom I consider a friend as well. One of my favorite childhood memories of my mom is seeing her kneeling by the bed praying. And, the other is her taking us out of school a week early in June so we could attend VBS!!! Boy, the teacher was mad at her. HeeHeeHee
    Thanks for sharing - and reminding us what a treasure God has given us in our mom.
    ~~ gloria

  3. Gloria, we are indeed blessed. My mom is a great prayer warrior too. I guess that is where I have gotten my love for prayer. I love that your mom did that. I know the world can't understand it, but God sure blesses that kind of commitment. My mom would have done something like that too, if she needed to. Today, Pastor Dave had Bebe come up to the front and share her faith with us. It was like that for her too, she said giving your children a foundation in Christ is the most important thing we can do as parents. Thank you, dear friend, for sharing with us. Love, Laura

  4. What great words to share about your mother, I wished that someday I could get the chance to meet her and tell her "Thank you", for bringing up such a precious daughter of the King to be a friend of mine...and that would be you dear Laura~
    Having moms as we do who serve the Lord first in their lives in everything they do, is indeed a wonderful gift to share with their children...
    A True Love Gift of Faith in Action~
    Praying Warrior Moms is what each and every family needs to stay strong in this world....
    I thank the Lord for my Godly Mother also~
    Blessings my dear Laura...Happy Mothers Day all year long~

  5. Cindy, thank you so much for these precious words. I love your mom. She is so special. She is a woman of God for sure. You are a mom who is full of love and Godly wisdom, too. May you know how special you are, Cindy. Love you.
